God can deliver you from any obstacle!
Dear All,
I am so excited to write you today because I have great news…
The love, the goodness, the blessings of God—they’re all yours in Christ Jesus!
You don’t have to earn them. You don’t have to be “good” enough to receive them. Every blessing of the Father is yours because of the finished work of Jesus.
You can see good days…
You can experience God’s love
and blessings…
Because you are the righteousness
of God in Christ.
When I spoke about this topic of seeing good days and experiencing God’s goodness with our church, I remember telling the congregation…
“Imagine I’m wearing a jacket with all kinds of pockets in it. Now, imagine that every pocket has a blessing. One is provision. Another is health. Still another is peace…joy…intimacy with God…etc.”
And then I said, “Whoever gets this jacket will inherit not only the jacket but everything in the pockets—all of those blessings.”
There was a “jacket”—a spiritual garment—that Jesus wore when He was on Earth. He wore the robe of righteousness.
And when Jesus went to the cross, He took our robes, which were filthy rags of sin and self-righteousness, upon Himself…and He gave us His robe of righteousness!
Today, you and I wear this robe… and it is full of pockets.
Good success
Intimacy with God
Love, joy, peace
Deliverance from trouble
Long life
These blessings (and so many more) are all possible because of the righteousness of Christ Jesus that you are now clothed in.
It’s not dependent on your perfect behavior—what you have or haven’t done—it’s all because of the robe you’re wearing!
Beloved, I want to help you receive the truth of this promise. That’s why I’m so eager for you to request See Good Days! Experience God’s Love & Blessings. This is a 3-CD audio series that we want to send you as our thank-you for your gift of any amount to the ministry this month.
And when you request this series, we’re also going to send you my 2-CD teaching, God Can Turn Curses Into Blessings For You!, as a special bonus gift!
These two important teaching resources can give you new depths of understanding as to who you are in Christ Jesus and how that affects every area of your life.
Friend, I hope you know how treasured and loved you are. First, and most importantly, by the Father…and also by our entire ministry team and myself.
Beloved, before I go, let me remind you…
God loves to pour out His blessings in your life. You don’t have to struggle or strive to “earn” God’s approval or His love. Because of the finished work of Jesus, you are accepted and approved—you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!
Seeing good days ahead,
Make sure you request See Good Days! Experience God’s Love & Blessings today and receive the special bonus, God Can Turn Curses Into Blessings For You!