Never Knowing the Difference

by - 4:25:00 AM

"Cast me not away from Thy presence; and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me." - Psalm 51:11
When a person dies, his spirit departs. And I'm afraid that's what has happened to many churches: the Holy Spirit has departed.
The organism has become an organization and the movement has become a monument.

Dr. Carl Bates said years ago something that shook me to my foundation: "If the Holy Spirit were to suddenly die [now, of course, you know that's impossible. He cannot die] but "if the Holy Spirit were to suddenly die, most of our churches would meet next Sunday and go right on and never know the difference."

I wonder if that's not true about many churches. The Holy Spirit has not died, but He has departed. I've been in some churches where you'd think that Hallelujahs and Amens cost $100 apiece. You just can't find them. There's a sort of barren stillness. But I believe there's something contagious about the Holy Spirit of God.

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